Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cubbie fun

The Cubs are in town!  As Cubs fans, we had to go to the Cubs game!  Nevermind they were in no danger of making the off-season or that the Padres could, we just wanted to see the Cubs!  But first a snack stop!

Kyle & Emily LOVE the sandy area seats!  And even more fun is digging with your friends!  Claudia & Sophie came with for some fun the first night.  It's really cute seeing Kyle play with Claudia - she's 8 - as he hangs on her every word.

And the next night, their friend Carter came with us to the game.  They all had a great time running around and playing in the sand which was quite a mess after some rain.  Emily was especially happy playing with Carter because he liked the necklace she was wearing. And the Cubs won with a run scored in the top of the 9th!  As it later turned out a few days and games later, the Padres could have had a chance at the off-season if they had held on and won this game.  Go Cubs!!

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