Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jeff's triathlon

This weekend Jeff did the triathlon in our neighborhood. About 2 weeks prior he learned that he didn't actually sign up for the sprint distance, but rather the Olympic distance, the only distance they were offering this year. He did GREAT!! And he arrived home from a business trip the evening before at 10:30pm and the kids hadn't seen him since Monday. The kids and I went to watch and cheer him on the next morning.

Jeff coming out of the water from a 1500m swim.

Jeff about to leave on his 26 mile bike ride. Uphill twice. Really uphill.

And he's off...

On his way back in.

Now time to run 6.2 miles. Kyle really wanted to run with him. And Emily too. Jeff obliged. So they ran some short distances with him and LOVED it. The evening before the race, Kyle told me how he really, really, really wanted to do the race with Daddy. Look out triathlons, Kyle can't wait to race!

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