A bunch of pictures from Aaron's day 2. The first night wasn't bad. I woke every few hours to feed him. It's a different experience having the baby stay with me in my room than in the nursery / NICU. He was pretty sleepy and did well. Night 2 has a name - "second night" - and was a bit more challenging...
Hearing test - all babies have to take prior to discharge

Night 2.... Second night is quite the phenomenon. Thankfully the hospital had a whole handout for it. Basically baby wakes up to the fact he's no longer in the womb and needs much more calming and soothing than the previous night. So we were up much more, but we had some good cuddle time to sleep.
Night time weigh in - 7lb 14 oz down from 8lb, 9 oz (2 big poop blow outs will do that!)
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