Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Making "am-mens"

Kyle made his first punt today - he didn't really know it, but it was great. He truly is Jeff's son! When the kids misbehave we have instituted 3 steps for them to fix it:
(1) Say sorry
(2) Change the behavior
(3) Make amends

Today Emily said something to Kyle that was not nice so I walked her through the steps. 
She first apologized to Kyle and then recognized the bad behavior and said she wouldn't say that again. Steps 1 and 2 done. 
Me: Emily, what is step 3? 
Emily: I forgot. 
Me: Emily, you need to make amends with Kyle. How about you give him a nice hug? 
Emily: Ok
Kyle, interrupting, totally straight-faced and serious: Or Mommy, you mean she should make "a-womens". 
Me (trying not to burst out laughing): Kyle, how did you know that? 
Kyle: I just knew it in my head. 

I wouldn't contain myself and had to tell Jeff right away. He was very proud of the pun, even if Kyle had no idea just how funny it was. 

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