Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Break Day 6: Golden Gate Bridge, Muir Woods, Napa Valley & Ad Hoc

Today was our ten year wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge and up to Muir Woods to start our adventure.

The entrance to Muir Woods. Jeff learned about a fun little treasure hunt the kids could do while going through Muir Woods. They had to find the answers to clever poetic and educational clues that were all around the park. Of course Muir Woods is pretty amazing on its own, this kept the kids even more engaged in learning about Muir Woods. 

Some really tall trees!

10 years of marriage and 3 beautiful kiddies

We copied another dad who took a similar photo with his kids. 

Bear with a bear

Banana slug

After several hours at Muir Woods, we headed up to the Napa area, well further north, to the Rombauer winery to taste some delicious wines. We tried the classics that we know we love, but also tasted some new varieties to enjoy. 

After our reasonably quick wine tasting, headed down to Napa for our dinner at Ad Hoc. 

The drive is stunning

All dressed up for our dinner at Ad Hoc. They were great there. Kyle & Emily were great through dinner and Aaron even did a reasonably good job. He sat in his chair, ate very well and got to color. He also got to watch his video from Alice of her coloring a balloon picture for him which got him through any thoughts of acting out or being too loud at the table. This was a great cap off to a wonderful 10 year anniversary day. 

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