Saturday, April 5, 2014

Spring Break Day 8: Modesto to Irvine

We stayed with our friends in Modesto for the evening and had the morning to play. The kids went for a nice swim before we headed the 5.5 hours south to Irvine. 
Aaron passed out
All the kids together

The drive was a bit of a challenge once we got to LA and the traffic that goes along with that area. Aaron did not like sitting in traffic. And neither did we. He had a pretty horrible scream fest for 45 minutes while we crawled along. Thankfully, we started to move eventually and made our way down to our hotel in Irvine. 

Happy Hour at Embassy Suites. Nothing like Shirley Temples, cherries in your juice and fake cheese nachos for a pre-dinner dinner. 

Nothing like going for a swim after a long drive

We pretty much arrived at 6pm, went to happy hour, went swimming and then returned to our hotel room to order pizza for a very late dinner. Oh and we got to watch the end of one of the Final Four games. Yes, bedtime was late. The kids were very happy though and we had a lot of fun. 

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