Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day weekend was awesome! We did brunch on Saturday so that we could hit the beach nice and early Sunday before nap time. 
Trying to get out the door... Aaron with no pants and Mater... 
Kyle hitting some tennis balls. 
Kyle & Emily ready to board.

Bear & Daddy

Kyle & Bear

Emily pouting. She got really tired all of a sudden so she needed a break. 

Bear in the tent. Also tired. 

Me and my babies. They made me "Mom". 

After the beach, we went over to the Del to have a nice quick lunch. We went home, Bear took a late nap, and Jeff, Emily, and Kyle cooked a delicious dinner of ricotta gnocci, asparagus and snap peas. The kids also made me a delicious chocolate cake with coconut whipped cream frosting. Mmmmmm!

Bear in a box. :-) 

This was just me being silly with the kids at bedtime. Too much Celine Dion on the internet radio...

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