Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Kyle's mile

Kyle ran the fastest mile in 4th grade at his school so he got to compete in the district track meet against other kids who also were the fastest in their grades. It was a beautiful day out. Kyle was sick leading up to the meet (and for days afterwards with a bad cold and ear infection) but he did not want to miss it at all. All things considered, he did amazingly well. He finished sub 7 minutes (6:52) and was middle of the pack. Would be amazing to see what he can run when healthy (and not having his shoe fall off twice - he will be double checking his laces in future races). He has good running instinct. Way to go Kyle!
Kyle sprint ending. He lost his shoe twice in his final sprint and each time he went back for it. The second time he didn't put it back on his foot and just carried it in. 
Kyle slow motion running. Good form Kyle!

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