Saturday, March 26, 2016

San Diego: dinner with high school friends

While in San Diego, some great friends from high school were also there with their spouses and kids. 
These three ran cross country together back in the day and totally rocked it. Along with a few other awesome runners, they would play rock, scissors, paper for who would get to come in first on a given race. They were good. And here they are all married with children. 
The next generation being silly together. 
Aaron and Mason got to hang out together when they were 1 year old when we went skiing together. They have even more fun together now that they are 4. 
This dinner was a little marred at the end when Aaron smashed his front teeth in outside the restaurant after dinner. Thankfully, sitting at the table next to us was an oral surgeon who kindly and amazingly and totally out of the goodness of his heart stuck his hands in a screaming, bloodied 4 year old's mouth and popped his teeth back in place. We were very lucky and in the right place at the right time for such an unfortunate event. 

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