Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Aaron at 4

Four has been a great age for Aaron. He continues to be so full of life, character, and personality. 

During our walk in Umstead. What kid doesn't wear rain boots with dress socks and shorts? And always carry a big stick. 

Mommy & Bear selfie

He loves his birthday hat from school. 

Umstead walk

See that big deer in the distance in the middle of the path? Aaron and I saw that guy while running (Aaron was in the jogging stroller). That deer did not budge. He looked at us and just stared us down. We didn't go any closer because we didn't want to cause the deer to charge us or anything. Thankfully, he didn't follow us and we made it back home without incident. 

Aaron loves Kyle and Emily's old karate sparring gear. 

Superhero scrambling the eggs. 

Aaron loves to watch Yoda videos on YouTube.

Always be prepared, you never know when something may pop out of the screen and you have to spar. 

Driving the go-karts at a birthday party. Aaron did not care for the go-karts once we got driving. 

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