Today I think I had my first two-way conversation with my kids! We were approaching dinner time and the kids were getting restless and hungry. Jeff taught Emily how to say "uppie" and raise her arms to be picked up... Let's just say she does that A LOT now and Kyle is starting to as well! Anyhow, she gave me an "uppie" as I was cooking the polenta and taking the edamame out of the microwave. I said are you ready to eat dinner to which she signed eat. I then said, "Are you a hungry bear" to which she verbally responded "yes"! It was very exciting not only because we had a small conversation, but also because one of their favorite words is "no"! That being said, I suppose we have had other conversations, but when the response is so often "no", it makes you wonder!

On top of this feat today, the kids were very cooperative. We went to Costco, but had to walk through the parking lot before getting in a cart inside. They very diligently both held my hand! They have been getting really good at holding our hands, but it's sometimes difficult to have them both hold our hands. Then when we got inside, I had to get the card out of my purse. I asked them to hold each others hands and they did! It was the cutest thing! Emily then proceed to guide Kyle into the store to do some shopping, but very obediently turned around when I asked them to wait for me. It was really sweet and they were SO happy holding each others hand! Here is a picture of them holding Anne's hand on our trail walk last week. They are still asking for Bobby & Anne! Clearly they had a great time with them like we did!
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