Saturday, March 15, 2008

My lovelies & snow in San Diego

Kyle & Emily were very loving today. They are normally very loving everyday, but today they gave so many unsolicited hugs. It was so nice!! As we were getting dressed this morning, Emily just came over to me to put her head on my shoulder and gave me a nice hug! She did this again about 5 minutes later! And Kyle was very loving too. They both wanted to be comfy cozy so I wrapped them in their big woobies and they just relaxed all comfy cozy. I thought that would be a good opportunity to get a quick shower in so I moved them into our room to watch Dora while they were comfy cozy. I chilled with them for a bit first, watching some Dora. While laying next to Kyle, he just curled up next to me and then put his arm around my neck and gave me a very sweet hug! They are normally very loving and give lots of hugs and kisses. Today they were both especially so loving.

Oh a big event here in San Diego - it snowed! A storm just passed through and it hailed! There were little snowballs covering the sidewalk, probably for all of 5 minutes, but nonetheless we had snow in San Diego!

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