Yesterday we had a rare phenomenon happen - so between our house and our neighbor's is a small alley about 6 feet wide and then a larger area in the middle for a little patio. We put our jogging stroller out b/c it was in the kitchen and it made it easier to get the kids outside without disrupting Jeff's work. So yesterday afternoon, the stroller was parked outside and I was working at my computer at the kitchen counter when I noticed something flying around behind me outside. A bird, a morning dove, flew down in our little area - note: birds NEVER fly in there - and perched right on top of the jogging stroller. It just sat there and looked at me and Jeff. It was just amazing. We tried to take a picture with our phones, but the shadows didn't let it show up very well and when we got the regular camera, it flew off. Anyhow, it was very amazing and meaningful. Sure is comforting...
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