From the Wild Animal Park. Two goosies. Need I say more? :-)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
funny & interesting comments
In keeping with my trend, some more funny / cute / interesting things the kids have said and done this week:
When the heat broke this week, it went from 90 to 60 outside in a matter of a day. So the kids got to don their hooded sweatshirts, which they like. Jeff likes to put their hoods on and tell them they're a girl or boy in the hood. Well Emily wanted her cherry jacket on because it was cool outside and she says, "Mommy, I'm a hood in the girl!" Kyle, not to be left out, puts his hood on too and says, "I'm a hood in the boy!" Way too cute! I tried telling them it was the other way around, girl in the hood and boy in the hood, but they got it right maybe a few times, but switched back to the reverse.
The other morning, I was still downstairs cleaning up breakfast and sending a few files for work when the kids decided they were done playing downstairs. They wanted to finish getting ready so they took matters into their own hands, unbeknownst to me. I just thought they wanted to play in the playroom upstairs. Anyhow, I go upstairs when I was done and find them in their bathroom, both standing on the stool brushing their hair. Emily sees me come in and excitedly tells me, "I'm getting bellisima Mommy!" She is such a doll! She's already bellisima, brushed hair or not!
I was on bath duty for several nights in a row this week and some of those were later than normal. And we all know what happens to kiddos when they are up past their bedtime... anyhow Emily was having a rough time, just so tired, upset and crying. She was already out of the bathtub, wrapped up in her towel, laying down, waiting to get dressed. I bring Kyle over in his towel to lay down to get dressed and he hears Emily crying, to which he responds, "there's no crying in baseball Emily!" Now I know we've used that expression before, but Kyle's use of it was just too much!
Kyle and Emily are curious about EVERYTHING. They really like the blue sky during the day and the pink clouds at sunset. When it starts to get dark out, they want the blue sky back. So we explained to them that the sun goes night-night so the moon can come out. And then in the daytime the moon goes night-night so the sun can come out. And same with the blue sky - it goes night-night at night. So many mornings, Emily so very excitedly asks, "Did the blue sky wake up?!?!" And it doesn't stop there - she asks about the map on the sliding door - "Did the map wake up?" I love her thinking on how everyone and everything goes to sleep at night time.
When the heat broke this week, it went from 90 to 60 outside in a matter of a day. So the kids got to don their hooded sweatshirts, which they like. Jeff likes to put their hoods on and tell them they're a girl or boy in the hood. Well Emily wanted her cherry jacket on because it was cool outside and she says, "Mommy, I'm a hood in the girl!" Kyle, not to be left out, puts his hood on too and says, "I'm a hood in the boy!" Way too cute! I tried telling them it was the other way around, girl in the hood and boy in the hood, but they got it right maybe a few times, but switched back to the reverse.
The other morning, I was still downstairs cleaning up breakfast and sending a few files for work when the kids decided they were done playing downstairs. They wanted to finish getting ready so they took matters into their own hands, unbeknownst to me. I just thought they wanted to play in the playroom upstairs. Anyhow, I go upstairs when I was done and find them in their bathroom, both standing on the stool brushing their hair. Emily sees me come in and excitedly tells me, "I'm getting bellisima Mommy!" She is such a doll! She's already bellisima, brushed hair or not!
I was on bath duty for several nights in a row this week and some of those were later than normal. And we all know what happens to kiddos when they are up past their bedtime... anyhow Emily was having a rough time, just so tired, upset and crying. She was already out of the bathtub, wrapped up in her towel, laying down, waiting to get dressed. I bring Kyle over in his towel to lay down to get dressed and he hears Emily crying, to which he responds, "there's no crying in baseball Emily!" Now I know we've used that expression before, but Kyle's use of it was just too much!
Kyle and Emily are curious about EVERYTHING. They really like the blue sky during the day and the pink clouds at sunset. When it starts to get dark out, they want the blue sky back. So we explained to them that the sun goes night-night so the moon can come out. And then in the daytime the moon goes night-night so the sun can come out. And same with the blue sky - it goes night-night at night. So many mornings, Emily so very excitedly asks, "Did the blue sky wake up?!?!" And it doesn't stop there - she asks about the map on the sliding door - "Did the map wake up?" I love her thinking on how everyone and everything goes to sleep at night time.
I need to be better at keeping up with all of the posts I have planned because my memory just doesn't work like it used to. In fact, when I need to remember something, I tell Kyle and Emily. They have FANTASTIC memories. We went to Target the other day and they both had 2 things to remember on our list of 4 things and they came through with flying colors! We needed a princess boo-boo ball and a pink sheet. Guess who remembered that one?! And we needed bread and paper towels which Kyle dutifully remembered.

It was such a great morning. Jeff and I got to be kids again!
And it didn't end there. In the afternoon, Jeff and I went out for a hot date as the kids like to call it. We went kayaking because it was just too nice out to not be outside. And Emily, who is so articulate, called it "kaylaking". A few days later, we saw some people kayaking on the harbor while on a run in our neighborhood, she was thrilled to tell us "that lady is kaylaking!"
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sun bunnies

And since going swimming Saturday morning, Kyle has yet to take off his goggles. He wears them all the time except when he is sleeping. He wants the goggles to watch him sleep. Yes, he said that. So Mr. Bunny (Peter Rabbit) wears the goggles as he sits atop his bed watching Kyle sleep. And this morning (Sunday) when I went in to get the kids, the first thing out of Kyle's mouth was, "Can I wear my goggles now Mommy?" He's usually good for a "Hi Mommy!" or "What we gonna do today Mommy?" or "I'm all done sleeping Mommy!" He's all about his goggles!
So after swimming, Saturday late afternoon / evening, we ran over to Shelter Island for some swings and park fun (read: burn off energy because they napped until 5:30pm and we wanted to get them to sleep at some point that night!). And did they run! They both wanted to run, holding Jeff's hand. And they got some good tree climbing in as well. They sure are monkeys! Kyle just jumps right up on the tree. Emily likes to be lifted up into the tree, but then is just so content chillin' in the tree.
And today, Sunday, we did a beach morning. The kids had a great time boogie boarding, playing in the sand and hitting the paddle ball with friends. And yes, Kyle wore his goggles the ENTIRE time at the beach! Emily is asking where her's are so I think I may have two kiddos wearing goggles as a fashion accessory! Very "Big Daddy" - remember that Adam Sandler movie?! (Oh and probably TMI for many, but they have both learned to successfully pee outside in the absence of proper facilities, just like the boy in that movie did! So now I'm selective about when I carry the potty around with us with their new found skill!)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
As we were driving to the kiddie gym today, I turned on the CD player in the car. Within 2 seconds of the music playing, Emily proudly proclaims, "That's John Denver singing!" She barely had to hear much of the music to know who it was! All her grandparents would be so proud!
Then about 2 seconds later, Kyle looks out the window and spots an Audi. He tells us, "That's like Papa's car! He have the circles on his keys too!"
We go through the light we were stopped at. Kyle points out where Chipotle is. "There's Chipotle Mommy!" We frequent Chipotle from time to time for some yummy rice and beans and cheese and guacamole (for the kids).
We go through the next light and Kyle proclaims, "There's my number 5!" We were getting on Highway 5 to get to the gym. He still loves his number 5!
They notice, know and remember everything!
Oh and on our way home, heading to meet Jeff for lunch, I turned on the CD again. I asked Emily who was singing and she proudly said, "John Denver." Kyle then chimes in, "John Denber is a good singer!" (no that's not a misspelling, it's how Kyle says Denver)
Then about 2 seconds later, Kyle looks out the window and spots an Audi. He tells us, "That's like Papa's car! He have the circles on his keys too!"
We go through the light we were stopped at. Kyle points out where Chipotle is. "There's Chipotle Mommy!" We frequent Chipotle from time to time for some yummy rice and beans and cheese and guacamole (for the kids).
We go through the next light and Kyle proclaims, "There's my number 5!" We were getting on Highway 5 to get to the gym. He still loves his number 5!
They notice, know and remember everything!
Oh and on our way home, heading to meet Jeff for lunch, I turned on the CD again. I asked Emily who was singing and she proudly said, "John Denver." Kyle then chimes in, "John Denber is a good singer!" (no that's not a misspelling, it's how Kyle says Denver)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
3 year olds conversation
Kyle: Can we get the corrections (means reflections)?
Emily: No, the fishies have tails so they don't have hands, but we have hands so we can get them.
Emily: No, the fishies have tails so they don't have hands, but we have hands so we can get them.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monkey back rides

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"Don't Get That Emmy / Kyle" rap
Today I took the kids to the grocery store to pick up a few ingredients for carrot souffle. I made a mistake when I decided not to put them in a cart. It was after nap and they had some energy they needed to burn off and they are pretty good at listening and staying close. Well near the eggs there was a little stand for some bacon which was very enticing to Emily who promptly started pulling them off the shelf. I asked her to put them back and so did Kyle. Kyle did so in song though, singing "Don't get that Emmy". Well, tonight on the way to the car from dinner, Kyle started singing it with Clark. Clark was into it and turned it into a rap with Kyle. It was hilarious! We didn't have the video camera with us so we recreated it at home. And Emily joined in on the rap with the "Don't get that Kyle" rendition! Hysterical! Enjoy!
Guitar Bunny
Kyle is quite the guitarist. He just loves it! A few days ago, he was strumming along and made up his own song, "Guitar Bunny". It's a simple song, but he created it and is proud of it. Emily liked it so much that she was singing it as well!
Outta my belly pickle!
Tonight we went to dinner at The Field, a fantastic Irish pub downtown. Emily is just so funny! She makes me laugh all the time! A few excerpts from tonight:
Emily: Where's my pickle?
Daddy: You ate it. It's in your belly.
Emily [patting her belly]: Outta my belly pickle!
Before we left, we made the requisite bathroom stop (and because both Kyle and Emily completely downed their cups of milk). This excerpt was from the second time I took her potty at The Field. I think she liked the bathroom so much because it was playing the Irish music that we were hearing during dinner. (Sorry for the potty talk, just too silly to not share.)
Emily: Where's my piddles?
Mommy: I don't know. Where are your piddles? Are they coming?
Emily: Nope, they're not coming. I'm not gonna make any piddles, just farts and poops. [Pushes] Where are you farts and poops?
Mommy: I don't know, where are they Emmy?
Emily: My poops are in my tooshie. Only my farts are going to come. Do you hear them?! Do you see them?!
Mommy: I don't know. Where are your piddles? Are they coming?
Emily: Nope, they're not coming. I'm not gonna make any piddles, just farts and poops. [Pushes] Where are you farts and poops?
Mommy: I don't know, where are they Emmy?
Emily: My poops are in my tooshie. Only my farts are going to come. Do you hear them?! Do you see them?!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A conversation from this morning:
Kyle, chasing Emily: roar, roar, roar
Emily, keeps on walking away, not bothered by Kyle's roars
Kyle: roar, roar, roar
Emily, still unamused
Emily, turns to face Kyle: rrooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!
Kyle: ahhhhhhh! Emily stop doing that!
It took all my effort not to laugh at this! She sure knows how to work it!
Kyle, chasing Emily: roar, roar, roar
Emily, keeps on walking away, not bothered by Kyle's roars
Kyle: roar, roar, roar
Emily, still unamused
Emily, turns to face Kyle: rrooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!
Kyle: ahhhhhhh! Emily stop doing that!
It took all my effort not to laugh at this! She sure knows how to work it!

Monday, April 6, 2009
Spike vs. potty training
This weekend, Spike gave us the awesome gift of double digits and watched Kyle and Emily. She is here now for a guest post on her fun adventures with the kids:
Hello everyone! Long time reader, first time writer. Now, I was a bit nervous about being solely responsible for the twins from Friday evening until Saturday afternoon. I figured that if I was left with two kids, that it would be expected that there were still two kids when Barlo and Jeff returned. I must also say that this was my first time being responsible for Kyle and Emily now that they wear big kid underpants instead of diapers. The following anecdotes are due to my weekend goal of not being peed on.
Friday evening I was instructed that Emily was fine through the night wearing big girl underpants, whereas Kyle needed a diaper. Now I really hoped they slept through the night, and didn't want to worry about midnight sheet changes. After putting the diaper on Kyle, the following conversation ensued:
me: Emmy, would you like to wear a diaper like Kyle?
Emmy: No, I wear dora underpants.
me: really, are you sure. do you want to wear your dora underpants over a diaper like Kyle?
Emmy: No, I wear these (pointing at Dora underpants)
(I grab a diaper with a purple doggie on it)
me: Emmy, don't you want the purple doggie?
Emmy: okay!
Yes, I was very proud of my cunning, hoping I hadn't set potty training back any further. Fortunately, there were no accidents during the night. And as expected Emmy would have been fine without the diaper.
Fast forward to the next day, when we were playing doctor before naptime.
Kyle's Bum: toooooooooot!!
me: Kyle, do you need to go potty?
Kyle: yes, no, yes
me: Kyle, do you need to go potty?
Kyle: mumbles
me: Kyle if you don't tell me and then you make a mess you are going to be unhappy.
Kyle: I have to potty now
Kyle and I go to the bathroom he says he's done and we head back to play some more before naptime.
Kyle: Uh-oh spaghettios. Uh-oh spaghettios.
me: Kyle, what's wrong?
Kyle: Uh-oh spaghettios.
me: What's wrong?
Kyle: Don't worry Docta Spike, I'm not unhappy. Its okay Docta Spike, I'm not unhappy.
I finally realize that the side of Kyle's shorts are not dry, and that he had a little accident. All was well, we got him cleaned up and I certainly put a diaper on him for naptime!
Sunday, I came back to visit and go shopping with Barlo. When we got back Kyle had an owie, so he sat on my lap. Again, we had a similar conversation involving him not quite deciding if he needed to go potty.
Me: Kyle, do you need to go potty.
Kyle: Yes, no, yes.
Me: okay
Kyle: Sorry Dr. Spike I made you messy. Its okay Docta Spike I made you messy.
Yes, yes Kyle peed on me. But at least he very nicely apologized, and Barlo loaned me a pair of shorts to wear home.
Hello everyone! Long time reader, first time writer. Now, I was a bit nervous about being solely responsible for the twins from Friday evening until Saturday afternoon. I figured that if I was left with two kids, that it would be expected that there were still two kids when Barlo and Jeff returned. I must also say that this was my first time being responsible for Kyle and Emily now that they wear big kid underpants instead of diapers. The following anecdotes are due to my weekend goal of not being peed on.
Friday evening I was instructed that Emily was fine through the night wearing big girl underpants, whereas Kyle needed a diaper. Now I really hoped they slept through the night, and didn't want to worry about midnight sheet changes. After putting the diaper on Kyle, the following conversation ensued:
me: Emmy, would you like to wear a diaper like Kyle?
Emmy: No, I wear dora underpants.
me: really, are you sure. do you want to wear your dora underpants over a diaper like Kyle?
Emmy: No, I wear these (pointing at Dora underpants)
me: Emmy, don't you want the purple doggie?
Emmy: okay!
Yes, I was very proud of my cunning, hoping I hadn't set potty training back any further. Fortunately, there were no accidents during the night. And as expected Emmy would have been fine without the diaper.
Fast forward to the next day, when we were playing doctor before naptime.
Kyle's Bum: toooooooooot!!
me: Kyle, do you need to go potty?
Kyle: yes, no
me: Kyle, do you need to go potty?
Kyle: mumbles
me: Kyle if you don't tell me and then you make a mess you are going to be unhappy.
Kyle: I have to potty now
Kyle and I go to the bathroom he says he's done and we head back to play some more before naptime.
Kyle: Uh-oh spaghettios. Uh-oh spaghettios.
me: Kyle, what's wrong?
Kyle: Uh-oh spaghettios.
me: What's wrong?
Kyle: Don't worry Docta Spike, I'm not unhappy. Its okay Docta Spike, I'm not unhappy.
I finally realize that the side of Kyle's shorts are not dry, and that he had a little accident. All was well, we got him cleaned up and I certainly put a diaper on him for naptime!
Sunday, I came back to visit and go shopping with Barlo. When we got back Kyle had an owie, so he sat on my lap. Again, we had a similar conversation involving him not quite deciding if he needed to go potty.
Me: Kyle, do you need to go potty.
Kyle: Yes, no, yes.
Me: okay
Kyle: Sorry Dr. Spike I made you messy. Its okay Docta Spike I made you messy.
Yes, yes Kyle peed on me. But at least he very nicely apologized, and Barlo loaned me a pair of shorts to wear home.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
hamper fun
Kyle has discovered the hampers can be a lot of fun. He was so giddy hanging out in the upside down hamper.
Finger painting!
Kyle and Emily tried their hands, literally, at finger painting the other day. I wasn't so sure how it would go down since they aren't too keen on getting messy, but it was fantastic! They LOVED it! When they were done with that and while I cleaned up from their finger painting masterpieces, the played with markers on the otherside of the easel on a shared masterpiece. The top picture you can probably tell who did which side (Kyle's contribution on the left, Emily's on the right). And when they were done, they had some fun with the marker caps and played Kyle and Emily MarkerHands.
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