I need to be better at keeping up with all of the posts I have planned because my memory just doesn't work like it used to. In fact, when I need to remember something, I tell Kyle and Emily. They have FANTASTIC memories. We went to Target the other day and they both had 2 things to remember on our list of 4 things and they came through with flying colors! We needed a princess boo-boo ball and a pink sheet. Guess who remembered that one?! And we needed bread and paper towels which Kyle dutifully remembered.

So this week started off with a major heat wave! It was 90 on Monday! That is very hot for San Diego!! Needless to say, we turned on the recently fixed AC with success!! The kids and I started the day at Stroller Strides and they did great despite the heat. The best part was when we were done, the crazy lawn keepers in our neighborhood thought it was a great idea to be sprinkling the lawn at 10:30am in 90 degree heat! Even though that is less than smart on their part, we capitalized on it. The kids and I all ran through the sprinklers to get cooled off. Emily even got in on the goggle action! It was great! It totally brought me back to childhood playing in the yard on hot days, running through sprinklers, playing in the little plastic pool or using the slip-n-slide! So much fun! They kids and I had a blast!!

Then when we got home - and we were dry by the time we walked home it was that hot - we played outside in the garage / alley way for a little bit. I found some baseball gloves in the garage when Jeff came out and we started playing a fun game of catch while Kyle and Emily rode on their ride-on toys that they haven't seen in many months since we put them in the garage. But not for long. Kyle was most interested in playing catch. He quickly wanted to take part so we switched from a baseball to a tennis ball. And he was in heaven! He declared so many times, "I like playing catch with you Mommy!" "I like playing this game Daddy!" And even when we went inside and were eating lunch, Kyle says to me, "Thank you for playing the catch game with me Mommy! I like playing the catch game!" It was way too cute.
During this catch game, Emily was very happily playing with her little fairy castle and holding her purse. She is so GIRL!! It was way too cute!! And when she went for a ride on Mater, she hooked her purse on back for the ride. I'm hoping there is a picture of that on Jeff's phone that I can upload to this. And she took a turn at playing catch, though when she put on the mitt (Kyle wasn't into wearing the mitt for the most part), she had to have her purse on!
It was such a great morning. Jeff and I got to be kids again!
And it didn't end there. In the afternoon, Jeff and I went out for a hot date as the kids like to call it. We went kayaking because it was just too nice out to not be outside. And Emily, who is so articulate, called it "kaylaking". A few days later, we saw some people kayaking on the harbor while on a run in our neighborhood, she was thrilled to tell us "that lady is kaylaking!"
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