Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Outta my belly pickle!

Tonight we went to dinner at The Field, a fantastic Irish pub downtown. Emily is just so funny! She makes me laugh all the time! A few excerpts from tonight:

Emily: Where's my pickle?
Daddy: You ate it. It's in your belly.
Emily [patting her belly]: Outta my belly pickle!

Before we left, we made the requisite bathroom stop (and because both Kyle and Emily completely downed their cups of milk). This excerpt was from the second time I took her potty at The Field. I think she liked the bathroom so much because it was playing the Irish music that we were hearing during dinner. (Sorry for the potty talk, just too silly to not share.)
Emily: Where's my piddles?
Mommy: I don't know. Where are your piddles? Are they coming?
Emily: Nope, they're not coming. I'm not gonna make any piddles, just farts and poops. [Pushes] Where are you farts and poops?
Mommy: I don't know, where are they Emmy?
Emily: My poops are in my tooshie. Only my farts are going to come. Do you hear them?! Do you see them?!

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