So while the kids were stripped down, I told them to go pick out some clean clothes. They are very good at choosing their own clothes. Emily ALWAYS matches to a T. She is such a GIRL!! Kyle has a few favorite shirts that he wears over and over and over again - Kickball, which he calls his running shirt, his kiddie gym shirts which there are 2 of because they both got one when we signed up, and his striped Daddy shirt. Anyhow, Kyle was getting a bit upset because in the midst of the messy chaos, Jeff told him he couldn't hold Miko because he'd get paint all over him and then Miko would have to take a wash and Kyle isn't a fan of Miko taking a wash. Jeff having enough of the chaos (and really just needing to run some errands) left. So Kyle was on my case to get his Miko. I told him he couldn't have Miko until he was cleaned and dressed again. Not taking no for an answer and just losing it emotionally, the following very cute conversation ensued:
Kyle: I want my Miko.
Mommy: That's nice Kyle. You need to get dressed.
Kyle [whining more]: I waaaaaant my Miiiiikoooo!
Mommy: I want a million dollars.
Kyle [whining even more]: I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant my Mikoooooooooooooo!
Mommy: Well, I want a million dollars.
Kyle [thinks]: Okay Mommy. I'll get you a million dollars............ in coins!!!!
[we have a coin jar in our room that the kids recently discovered and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE carrying around coins in their pockets]
[Kyle runs to our room]
Kyle: Here Mommy, I brought you a million dollars in coins! [hands me a handful of change]
Mommy: [trying not to laugh]. Thanks Kyle. This looks like a quarter million!
Kyle: Okay I will get you more!! [runs off for more coins]
And yes, he got dressed and got his Miko. It was absolutely adorable. And Emily was chilling wiht me while Kyle was running for coins and she was SO excited that Kyle was bringing us coins!!