Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I know this post is at least a week late (now it's nearly 2 months late b/c I needed to get some pictures off of Jeff's phone camera), but the kids had a fun Easter. We went over to Coronado with my cousin Alan, who came to San Diego to visit us while he was stationed in Southern California for a month (normally stationed in Hawaii) for some Easter festivities. Kyle and Emily got all dressed up for the event. Emily was wearing a little knit sweater / jacket that my mom made for me when I was a baby and wore. It was really neat to share this with her. And someday she can share this sweater with her daughter. Emily looked absolutely adorable in it.

When we got over to Coronado, we met up with the Easter bunny first. The kids did just fine with him. Then we had our eat-time which the kids LOVED. And after our eat-time, we headed to the beach for some kite flying. It was a little bit windy out and screaming for kites to be flown. So we obliged. Kyle and Emily got some great height with their kites and were just lovin' it. So much so, that we left our mark... one of the kites is now stuck in someone's front yard across the street from the beach! And there was a man playing his guitar, Bob, and the kids sat down on the little sand hill for a private concert from him. And then they were off and running! It was a very fun Easter!

All dressed up in their Easter clothes. Kyle insisted his tractor (or trastor as he calls it) join him for the outing. Kyle LOVED his outfit, as did Emily who was wearing the same sweater I wore as a little girl.

King and Queen of the beach hill!

Nothing like running down a big sandy hill!


Daddy & Emily flying a kite. Alan and Kyle flying a kite.

Alan & Emily

Kyle very proud to be flying a kite

Kyle & Alan flying a kite

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