Monday, May 4, 2009

Just chillin'

We are having a CRAZY RIDICULOUS time with naps yesterday and today. They were so tired yesterday - they hiked down Torrey Pines and on the beach - but didn't nap. We put them to bed early and they didn't go to sleep until nearly 2 hours past their normal bedtime. Needless to say, sleep time and nap time is quite a battle around here. So after we finally got them down this afternoon (3:30), Emily woke after an hour, running downstairs. I asked her what she was doing, to which she replied, "I'm just chillin'." I told her she needed to up to her bed and "just chill" in her bed. She went upstairs to do so... or so I thought until I heard the toy popping around on the monitor. I go upstairs and ask her what she's doing. "I'm just chillin' down here Mommy." As cute as the napping / sleeping situation is not, her responses were just too darn cute!

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