Monday, September 21, 2009

Marry me

So this weekend, Jeff and I went to Chryssi & David's FABULOUS wedding in Santa Barbara and the kids stayed home with Grandma & Bunky who came out & down for the occasion. They had an absolute blast with them going to the zoo, Seaport Village, Coronado beach, Corvette Diner, Fish Market, Swing park and more.  Grandma sure kept them busy!!!  Grandma you are AWESOME!

So tonight, we were talking about the wedding and telling the kids about the next wedding and how they were going to go to this next wedding and had some very interesting conversations. 

Mommy: You guys are gonna go to Karen & Pop Pete's wedding soon!
Kyle: I'm gonna be bear rings!!  And I'm gonna run super really fast for them!
Emily: And I'm gonna wear my beautiful princess dress and twirl and be a flower girl!
Kyle: And I'm gonna get married at Karen & Pop Pete's wedding!
Mommy: Who are you going to marry at Karen & Pop Pete's wedding?
Kyle: I'm gonna marry you and Daddy!

And later at dinner tonight we were talking about it again and I was telling Jeff about this conversation...

Kyle: I'm gonna get married at the Sears Tower too like you Mommy!
Mommy:  How fun!
Kyle: And I'm gonna get married at Karen & Pop Pete's wedding!
Mommy:  Who are you going to marry Kyle?
Kyle: I'm gonna marry you guys!  Mommy, Daddy & Emily!
Emily: And I'm gonna marry you, Daddy!
Daddy: How sweet Emily!
Emily: Daddy, can you marry me?
Daddy: Of course!
Kyle: I'm gonna marry Mommy & Emily!  Mommy, can you marry me?
Mommy: Kyle you're a sweet boy!  Of course I'll marry you Kyle!

It was so sweet to be proposed to by our little babies!  Such little sweetie pies!

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