Monday, March 8, 2010

Dentist visit

Kyle and Emily had their first real dentist visit this past week. Yes, we didn't heed the normal recommendation and take them at 1. Well I take that back, we did take them at 13 months and the visit consisted of 30 seconds in the chair combined, both kids screaming in terror and the dentist proclaiming they both had a lot of teeth (they both had all of their teeth, minus 2 year molars, at one year). That's it.

This time, we talked with the dentist, he checked out their choppers and did a cleaning. Thankfully they had a field trip to the dentist the week before with their preschool so they were ready for this. Well they were a bit unnerved at first, but settled down with the help of some Handy Manny and being able to sit on my lap. And they did great getting their teeth tickled.

Pink bear accompanied Emily

And ever faithful Miko accompanied Kyle

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