Monday, March 1, 2010

Kid's museum - new and improved!

Today we went back to the Children's Museum for the first time in a long time. We had a membership before, but it had expired. Plus, the kids weren't huge fans of the museum because it had "those silly vacuums". In the entrance there were vacuums that had harmonicas attached to them which made an awful, discordant noise that really irked the kids and caused a lot of tears. Anyhow, they redid the exhibits in October so it's a new place and we had a blast today!! And made even better by the fact that our science museum membership gets us in free there all month!

Kyle & Emily started off by driving the bike / cars / chariots. They are really quite neat. You pump it up and down to make it move forward or backwards and that pump is also used for steering. They were quite good at maneuvering their chariots once they got the hang of it. In fact, we raced a bit and they were far more nimble than me.

We also had fun climbing the wall and ropes. Kyle was quite the climber scaling the wall to the top and then insisting on traversing the wall. He is getting very good at climbing walls and figuring out how to stay balanced and move to the next hold. No pictures of this unfortunately as I was spotting him. They also enjoyed the rope climb, though not as much as the wall.

We also did a lot of painting on the whale outside and blowing bubbles. They used to have an old VW Bug to paint, but now it's a whale. That was a good time as always. Emily got pink hair courtesy of the paint. She was near meltdown, but quickly perked up when she was reminded that her hair was PINK!! What could be better on a little girly girl than pink hair!

Finally, we went downstairs to see what was there. Previously, the downstairs was quite lackluster and we often skipped it. Now, they have a rainbow bouncy house tunnel. There used to be a giant pillow fight (room filled with mattresses and pillows to jump all around on) on the top floor, but that was removed when they redid everything in October. Anyhow, this rainbow tunnel is a gem!!! Kyle & Emily had a BLAST jumping the length of it to their hearts content. I wanted to get in and jump with them!


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