Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kyle & Emily's first ad!

So much to my surprise today, I received an email from MPix.com advertising a special they were running. Like most ads, I looked very briefly at it (not really at all) and deleted it. After having done so, I paused and thought to myself, that sure looked like Cabrillo and my kids in that ad. Thanks to gmail's undo feature, I undid my deletion of the message to find that my kids were in their ad! I had no idea. Apparently, the lady that does our pictures works with MPix and had our pictures for them for this ad. Not sure how that really works, but there they were. To check it out, do so soon as I assume it will be gone from their website when the promo expires:
http://community.mpix.com/blogs/mpix/archive/2010/02/26/15-of-all-prints-march-9th-13th.aspx It's also on their main landing page as the first ad: http://mpix.com/ in case you're interested.

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