My conversation with Kyle
Mommy: Let's get haircuts today. Kyle you are starting to look like a gorilla.
Kyle: Well actually Mommy gorillas have really short hair close to their head so I don't look like a gorilla.
Of course! Don't mess with the monkey expert!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Grandma Sondra's birthday
We went to visit Grandma Sondra for her 90th birthday! It's hard to believe she's 90 years old. We all had a great time catching up and going out for chili at a chili bar! Who would have thought such a place existed?!
The kids had a great time having bedtime stories with Grandma too. They didn't want to leave. After searching high and low for a kid book for stories, Emily suggested the story that she and Kyle wrote together.
And the kids found it funny to lock us out of the car so they could 'drive'.The kids had a great time having bedtime stories with Grandma too. They didn't want to leave. After searching high and low for a kid book for stories, Emily suggested the story that she and Kyle wrote together.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
High rise sprinkler
What do you do when it's a hot day and you live on a second floor apartment? Turn on a sprinkler on the patio, of course! And maybe spray some people walking below...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Ben days
This week we had a few days that Ben spent with us while his normal summer camp was closed. Kyle and Emily LOVED having Ben days! We went bike riding, to the farmer's market and got some goodies, to gymnastics and swimming! He is such an awesome older cousin. So thoughtful and just so pleasant.

Eating treats from the farmer's market. Nothing like a giant cookie at 11am after a 2 mile bike ride in the heat! (And I was running)

Ben jumps into the pool! He is a jumping machine! He and Kyle must have jumped in and out of the pool 100 times!
Kyle flips into the foam pit at gymnastics. A new trick he had learned in camp and was eager to show off. Unfortunately, he also learned the hard way later that he should ONLY do flips into foam pits and not onto concrete. Thankfully in that instance, he landed smack on his back and not his head. Needless to say he was hurting, but not devastatingly so. But he certainly learned a hard lesson.
Tarzan Princess Emily!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Emily's first 2 mile run
In an effort to stave off nausea or make it better, I have been trying to get out and run each day. Today, Emily decided she didn't want to ride her bike along side of me as she normally has done, but rather wanted to run. I was a bit hesitant to allow her to do so at first, but she was insistent. So she ran. And she ran most of the 2 miles with me! I had her and Kyle switch positions - from bike to runnings - for a short distance, but they both wanted nothing to do with the other mode of transport. And Emily did a great job running with me! She was great! Her first 2 mile run! Go Emmy!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Kiddie triathlon
This summer, Kyle and Emily competed in their first triathlon. It was amazing! The kids loved it! Well, after they got over the fact they were up so early in the morning (we had to wake them at 6:50 - yes, that's very early for us). It was put on by and it was a fantastic race. The youngest participants were 3 years old!
Kyle and Emily were in the 3-6 year old division. And they were further grouped with the 5-6 year olds. They swam 25 meters and could use a noodle if they chose to do so. Kyle and Emily both did, but knowing that (a) they can actually swim and (b) the deepest part was 3 feet so they could stand and walk the whole way and it only got more shallow in the way out as it was going toward the zero depth side. Then they had a 300 meter bike ride which was incredibly short for them when our rides to get places averaged 2-3 miles this summer. So no problem biking around the corner and back. Then the run was 50 meters from the transition area to the center of the football field. It was perfect for their intro to triathlons. When they finished, they both asked when they could do it again. They had soooo much fun, it's an understatement! And all this despite a 2 hour rain / thunder / lightening delay at the start where we sat in the car waiting for the weather to pass. They really put on a great event and the kids loved it. They wore their medals for several days after the race as well, telling everyone how they did a triathlon. Pretty awesome to be 5 years old and do a triathlon!
Professional race photos:
didn't have any
Our photos and videos:
Kyle and Emily swimming
Emily running
On the elevator to get to our car in the morning |
Kyle less than pleased to be awake and already going somewhere by 7:15am |
Emily getting her numbers painted |
Emily getting her numbers painted |
Kyle getting his numbers painted |
Kyle numbers |
Kyle and Emily swimming
Ready for the swim! |
Emily ready to swim! |
Kyle ready to swim! |
Got the noodles and ready to swim! |
Emily is in the water |
Kyle is in the water! |
Emily out of the water, running to transition |
Emily on her bike leaving transition |
Emily biking |
Kyle leaving transition for the bike ride |
Kyle riding |
Kyle biking |
Emily running
Kyle running
Emily running! |
Run, Kyle, run! |
All done!! |
A well deserved cup of water |
Posing with Daddy post-race |
Kyle and Mommy post-race |
Emily and Mommy post-race |
Congrats Emily! |
Congrats Kyle! |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Princess camp
And this week was princess camp for Emily. The girls worked on a little play all week and presented it to the parents at the end of the week. This was a fun camp for Emily for many reasons. First it was with girls ages 5-7. She seems to always befriend the older girls and relishes those friendships. Second, it was princess - need I say more?! Well I will. Third, they got to do hair and make-up!
Emily was Majestic Mint princess. Their play was about a bunch of princess sisters who have to come up with a name for their baby sister princess. It was a cute little play and each girl learned and spoke their lines very well.
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