Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kyle flipping

This go round in gymnastics camp, his instructor taught him how to flip into the foam pit. He sure loved showing me how he could do his flips. And thankfully it was into a foam pit... this time...

About a week after learning his new trick, he tested it out outside. Not good. He was up on a concrete block on the capitol and when it came to an end, he ducked down and tried to flip the 2 feet down to the ground. The ground of concrete is not nearly as forgiving as a foam pit - especially when you don't rotate all the way around. He landed smack on his back - and not his head thankfully - and was pretty hurt. Thankfully Papa was there to check him out and make sure of no serious injuries. That sure was scary to watch in what seemed like slow motion and there was just nothing you could do. But we're pretty sure Kyle learned his lesson - that concrete and foam are very different surfaces.

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