Monday, August 15, 2011

Michigan reunion

This weekend, I took the kids down to Grandma's house so we could go to a family reunion. Jeff had to stay back and work so we were flying solo. Grandma, Karen, the kids and I set out Saturday morning for Michigan to see family on my dad's side that we hadn't seen in some time. We had a lot of fun catching up with aunts, uncles, cousins and more that afternoon. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves as well with loads of food and playing and movies. 

Watching Tangled

We got caught in an intense rain and thunderstorm so we pulled over and had McDonald's ice cream cones to let the storm pass. This is how Emily ate her cone. 

On the way back to Madison, the kids and I took the scenic (errr not so scenic) route back so we could stop at the Jelly Belly factory. Admittedly, this is somewhere I've wanted to visit for many, many years so it only added an hour to our return trip so we went for it. Here we are on the Jelly Belly train through the warehouse / factory.  
And here the kids are posing out front by the Jelly Belly bug with their free bag of Jelly Bellies from the tour. 

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