Monday, August 22, 2011

Emily's first 2 mile run

In an effort to stave off nausea or make it better, I have been trying to get out and run each day. Today, Emily decided she didn't want to ride her bike along side of me as she normally has done, but rather wanted to run. I was a bit hesitant to allow her to do so at first, but she was insistent. So she ran. And she ran most of the 2 miles with me! I had her and Kyle switch positions - from bike to runnings - for a short distance, but they both wanted nothing to do with the other mode of transport. And Emily did a great job running with me! She was great! Her first 2 mile run! Go Emmy!

A very short break on Kyle's bike

Kyle runs for a very short distance

2 miles completed!
Video of Emily running

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