Where has the time gone?! Aaron is now 9 months old. He has officially spent more time out of the womb than in at this point. He sure is a sweet little baby. So the 9 month run-down (so I can put it in the baby book eventually):
- 19 pounds, 3 ounces which is 45%
- 28.5 inches good for 65%
- I don't remember his head, but remember they said it's 85%. That sounds like a big head, but his looks perfectly proportional. The doctor said so too.
- He eats everything except the banned baby food of peanuts, milk and honey. We give him what we eat and meals are pretty easy. He can pick up food and feed himself and will drink a little out of a sippy cup. He is an eater. The boy loves his food. We joke that he has a hollow leg because he sure packs it away.
- He signs "more" during meals to tell us he wants another bite.
- He still nurses as well and is quite efficient which has opened up more time to play.
- He has 4 teeth with 2 more on the cusp of breaking through. The first 2 came at 5 months, the top 2 came at 8 months. The second 2 were a top middle and side instead of both middles. But now the other top middle and side are just breaking through.
- He sleeps like a champ still. Nighttimes are great with 11.5-12 hours. He has 3 naps a day though the 3rd is a catnap (~30-45 minutes) and we have been skipping it more and more because we are on the go with Kyle and Emily's activities. His morning nap is a good solid one ~2 hours. Afternoon is ~1-1.5 hours. Thankfully we got rid of the 45 minute nap a while ago. That was an unpleasant phase.
- He sucks his thumb to comfort himself. He hasn't taken to a special blanket or animal yet.
- His eyes keep getting bluer and bluer. Passerbys notice this and comment all the time.
- He's still blonde though sometimes his hair seems to be getting darker depending on the lighting.
- He crawls. He pulls up to standing. He moves along something while holding on.
- He smiles and giggles and is very interactive. He claps and gives high fives. He gives big, giant, wet, open mouth kisses. He gives hugs too.
- He discovered his tongue the other day and was sticking his tongue out at himself in the mirror. He also discovered that he can blow spit bubbles.
- Jeff says he says "mama". I would love to think this is true. He said it when waiting in the car for me and Jeff went to soothe him and he said "mama" and continued fussing but then stopped when I got there. Not sure it was truly "mama", especially since we can't replicate it, but I'll take it for now. Kyle and Emily didn't say "mama" until many other words were mastered first like "ball" and "daddy".
- He LOVES LOVES LOVES his family. He gets so overjoyed when he sees Kyle and Emily. If we are in the car and they aren't there, he fusses when getting buckled in. But when they are around, he is smiling and craning to see them. He absolutely loves them. And they absolutely love him back.
Waiting for the doctor... waiting 45 minutes at the 1st appointment of the day... |
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