Sunday, December 30, 2012

First haircut

Aaron got his first haircut today. He was looking pretty shaggy so we took him down the street to the kiddie haircut place that just moved into the neighborhood (2 years ago). He was fine until he took a look at the lady cutting his hair. (You'll see where he discovers her in the pictures below.) She had a big snowcap on and at least 2 highly visible piercings on her face. Not the softest, kid friendly kind of look. He screamed bloody murder with giant tears for 95% of the haircut. Just when he would stop crying, he would look at her and start wailing again. He sure does look dapper with his cleaned up do though. And you can bet that Kyle and Emily got the "you will not pierce anything but your ears"(for Emily, no piercings for Kyle) lecture. 

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