Thursday, August 27, 2015

Aaron making piggies fly

We have had a breakthrough ladies and gentlemen!! Aaron will now eat greens!! Previously, anytime we dared serve him anything green, he would say he doesn't like it. We continued to serve him greens and kept telling him how eating his greens would make him strong. And the few times that he would lick a green, taste a green or even swallow a green, we would make a happy production about it. I often said, "look out the window. I see a piggie flying!" since it was such a rarity. Now today he willingly ate his greens. He said, "I want to make more piggies fly!!" and gobbled up more greens. And admitted to liking greens. And he of course wanted to show us his big muscles from eating his greens. Persistence does pay off. Wahoo!!

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