Friday, August 21, 2015

Alice's visit

All summer, Aaron has been eagerly anticipating Alice's family's visit to us in North Carolina. Alice is Aaron's best girl from San Diego. Alice and her mom and Aaron and myself spent the past 2.5 years together until we moved. We were so sad to move far from them, but thrilled that they (along with Alice's dad and her 3 brothers) were coming to visit us before heading up to DC for a visit there. A three year old doesn't have much concept of time so for about 2 or 3 months, he kept thinking Alice was going to arrive. The time finally came!!

We had so much fun with them!! We went swimming, played a lot, they went to Marbles (while Aaron napped). We all went to the beach like old times. The kids geocached together. We went to Duke. It was a busy, wonderful weekend. 
The kids playing in the mushroom at our pool
Aaron and Alice together again
We had a good game of Simon Says going on while we walked through Duke. And a plank contest. Because who doesn't? Jeff had a tough one with Eric on his back. 

Ian, Em & AJ with the goecache. This was Kyle & Em's first time doing geocaching and they had a great time. Thank you Ian for introducing the kids to this fun hobby! 
Duke Chapel in the distance

Aaron loves Ian. 

Aaron messed up Em's rainbow loom. Alice is great with her colors and sorted them out for Em one night when she couldn't sleep (PST to EST is a very hard time change, especially when you are 3). With help from Jeff & Dustin. 


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