Thursday, August 27, 2015

Aaron's first day of preschool

Aaron had his first day of preschool today. He is in a class with eight other 3 year olds. The first day was very difficult for him when he realized that we had to leave him there. Apparently he cried for 15 minutes. That must have been so hard for him. Other than with babysitters or family, he's never really had to separate from us. His second day, he didn't cry. His third day he only cried for a little bit and after that, he got the idea. He knows that we always come to pick him up. And he loves his teachers and friends in class. It is really good for him to have time with his peer group since he spends most of his time with 9 year olds and the kids in the neighborhood who are mostly older than him. 
So handsome

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