Saturday, August 8, 2015


We drove up to Pennsylvania to visit Adam and his family in the Poconos. It was a long drive, but the kids did great. Amazing what iPads and movies can do for kid's humor on a long car ride. 

We had a good time visiting with Adam, Daniella, Max & Leo. And Papa and Kari were visiting too for an added bonus. The kids so rarely get one-on-one family time (usually all the families are together) together so it was a unique for the kids to get to play in a smaller group. We had delicious dinners together cooked by Adam & Daniella. We went swimming, played tennis, hit some golf balls, went running and had a good time hanging out together. 
Kyle and Em with Max. Max was a bit under the weather, but was such a champ showing the kids his summer places. 
Em & Max reading together
Adam, Papa, Jeff, Max & Kyle went to the driving range to hit some golf balls together
The kids and Uncle Adam
Em settling in for the long car ride home

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