Sunday, March 27, 2016

San Diego: Easter, zoo and end of the trip

After our eventful evening with Aaron's teeth the night before, Easter was certainly very slow and subdued. We had figured we would spend a nice, lazy day at the beach, but instead slept in and took it very easy and slow to let Aaron's mouth recover. We went to our friend's house for the afternoon and a fun Easter time. They put together a fun egg hunt for the kids who really enjoyed seeking out the eggs and helping the little kids find them. 
The following day, Aaron and I went to the zoo. I can't recall what Kyle, Emily, and Jeff were doing during that time. Perhaps they were hanging out with Clark. 

Our favorite squirrel monkeys

Aaron and Alice are so sweet with one another. Look at them holding hands, totally unprompted.

The big kids doing what they do best... team gaming

Em and I in front of our old neighbor's house, 3 doors down. 

Aaron napping. 
One more burrito before we left which was perhaps the best one we had there. We call them Tattoo Parlor burritos because they are in PB underneath a tattoo parlor. I think it's called Mike's Taco Club or something like that. Delicious burritos. Can't decide or remember if I liked the veggie burrito or the breakfast burrito more. Emily and I went halfsies. 

Aaron knows no boundaries when sleeping. I'm sure many a parent can related to this sort of sleeping position with a toddler in bed with them. 

San Diego is just so beautiful. 

My run on our last morning there along Kellogg beach. Those are my footprints. I had the beach to myself. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Aaron soccer class

Aaron took a little soccer class this winter and loved it. He couldn't wait for Saturday to have soccer class. He asked every day if it was time for his soccer game. They didn't really play a game, but rather did little skill drills and for the last 2 minutes of class, they got to play a scrimmage. It truly was the perfect soccer class for the age because it was so developmentally appropriate. 

San Diego: dinner with high school friends

While in San Diego, some great friends from high school were also there with their spouses and kids. 
These three ran cross country together back in the day and totally rocked it. Along with a few other awesome runners, they would play rock, scissors, paper for who would get to come in first on a given race. They were good. And here they are all married with children. 
The next generation being silly together. 
Aaron and Mason got to hang out together when they were 1 year old when we went skiing together. They have even more fun together now that they are 4. 
This dinner was a little marred at the end when Aaron smashed his front teeth in outside the restaurant after dinner. Thankfully, sitting at the table next to us was an oral surgeon who kindly and amazingly and totally out of the goodness of his heart stuck his hands in a screaming, bloodied 4 year old's mouth and popped his teeth back in place. We were very lucky and in the right place at the right time for such an unfortunate event. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

San Diego: Cabrillo

Another one of my favorite places in San Diego is Cabrillo. And also one of the entire family's as well. It's just beautiful and the kids have so much fun exploring the area every time we go. And the ocean is right there as well. 
The kids always have so much fun jumping down from this rock.

Aaron loved that Alice was there with him.

Aren't they so sweet?!
Aaron got hot so he took off his shirt.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

San Diego trip, part 1

We made what has become our annual trip back to San Diego to see friends, enjoy our favorite foods, and to enjoy the wonderful area that is San Diego. 

Our plane ride out there was mercifully uneventful (or at least so I remember, writing this 3+ months later. Yes, I'm way behind!). We had an open seat near us on the flight that coincided with Aaron's naptime so he got to lay down and sleep. His dudes (Star Wars guys) protected him while he slept. And took a little nap with him too. 

This is the legendary cilantro cream sauce from Lucha Libre. How we crave that delicious burrito sauce... This was our first stop after getting off the plane and picking up a car. 

mmmmmm veggie burrito with fries, black beans, pico, guac, cheese and the cilantro sauce. 

Next stop was with our dear friends. The kids were so excited to see one another. 

Aaron and Alice picked up right where they left off. Aaron still says that he is going to marry Alice. 

We had to get a beach trip in to Coronado so we did on our first full day. It was a bit chilly and the tide was waaaaay in! Like nearly up to the stairs in. And it was strong. Only Emily and I went in. She attempted some boogie boarding and me some surfing. Em may have tried to surf a bit too. I don't recall if I was even able to stand more than once because the tide was so very strong. We didn't stay in long because I didn't feel safe in the water with the strength of the tide. 
Back playing again. 

Day 2 we went over to one of my most favorite places in Balboa Park and certainly top places in San Diego: the Japanese Friendship Gardens. It's nice and peaceful in there and just beautiful.