Saturday, June 30, 2018

Summer fun

Some pictures from Jeff's phone of good summer fun. 

Birthday party at Wheeler Farm for a friend. Love that Kyle and Aaron chose to dress alike. Can't imagine they (Kyle) will willingly do that much longer. 
Emily & Jeff on a hike. I believe this is Willow Meadows or something like that. It believe it's Big Cottonwood and they saw a moose during this hike as well. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Real Salt Lake

To cap off the weekend, we took in a Real Salt Lake soccer game. It was fun to see live professional soccer. They had a pretty sweet pre-game fun-zone for everyone with bouncies, soccer golf and more. 

Kid flips

The kids have picked up where they left off with swimming from last summer and their diving board gymnastics.

Ride for Spike's mom

Each year, Spike rides in honor of her mom who made a point to be able to bike her age. This year, Spike is injured with a broken foot and unable to do the ride. We decided that between the 5 of us, we would be able to bike the 69 miles. We have some good bike paths near us after a few miles with great views so we took to the road on the weekend. 

I will point out that Aaron's bike does not have gears and he hung with us through the hills and all. 

A nice stop by a creek

Toast to Spike's mom

Aaron was really tired afterwards. But he really wanted to go to the pool. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Track season

Track season kicked off in June and the kids are off to a great start. Kyle and Emily are both running the mile and doing shot-put. Kyle also does the long jump and Emily high jump. Aaron is running the 50 yard dash and doing shot-put. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Bike ride

It was a great weekend for a bike ride. Kyle and Aaron weren't feeling it, but Emily hung with us for a good 8 miles exploring a new path.