We stopped by Point Loma Seafoods on our way home from the beach today for lunch. As it turns out, the Great Dane meet-up group was also there for lunch. Those were some IMMENSE dogs! After we ate and were throwing out our trash, Emily saw the dogs and went tearing after them. Being a bit afraid of dogs myself, I tried to reign her in, but she kept on going. Kyle stayed by my side at the sight of these giants. I was afraid Emily would go after the dogs tail because that was where she was headed. Apparently, she was so intrigued and just wanted to touch the dogs she told me. I got her back before she reached the dogs and the owners said that they were super friendly dogs and no amount of pulling would upset the dogs. Not wanting to pass along my fear of big dogs to Emily, we talked to the owner for a little bit and he said that it was okay for Emily to pet the dog. I was still hesitant, but Emily was all for it. She gave the dog gentle touches. And mind you, this dog is at least a head taller than Emily (she is at least 3 feet tall) and outweighs her by 200 pounds (she weighs ~25 pounds)!!!! I had to take a picture of the dog. He is a Great Dane / Mastiff mix the owner said. He eats 4 pounds of food per day!! Note, in the picture, Emily is basically standing next to the dog so your eyes really aren't playing tricks on you. He is just that big of a doggie!!
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