Thursday, March 19, 2009

That thing you say

I know it's a common post these days, but the things Kyle and Emily say are just stunning, amazing, funny and cool!

The other morning, I asked the kids what they want for breakfast, egg related. I asked if they wanted them scrambled, poached, fried or hard boiled. They probably didn't understand what any of these meant, but Kyle replied, "we want tap tap eggies!" Emily added, "we do tap tap and get to roll them Mommy!" I knew exactly what that meant! Hard boiled eggies! They love being involved in the process so we let them peel their own eggies and I think it helps motivate them to eat them more. (p.s. they have become MUCH better eaters in the past few weeks. I mean they actually eat their food! And the floor is much cleaner because of that too!)

Today (a few days ago now that I am actually posting) we went to Target because the kids were out of toothpaste. As you well know, they make a infant / toddler toothpaste that the kids don't have to spit out. There's no flouride in it so it's safe to swallow. We've been out for at least a day or two so I've put some regular toothpaste on their brushes and told them they need to spit it out. And they've done very well with it. And it's not the first time they've had adult toothpaste so they've practiced spitting toothpaste. So anyhow at Target today, we got them Tom's Natural kids toothpaste, one that you have to spit out. Well fast forward to tonight when the Target bags are still downstairs and Jeff is getting baths ready and the toothpaste is still downstairs with me while I clean up dinner. Jeff tells Kyle to go downstairs to ask me where the toothpaste is. I tell him it's in one of the 3 bags and it's in the box with the strawberries on it. He happily says, "Okay I will find the spitty toothpaste!" And he proceeds to find it and takes the "spitty toothpaste" upstairs to get the toothbrushes ready!

Kyle and Emily are doing great with their letters and numbers. They pretty much know all of their letters, big and small. Kyle notices numbers EVERYWHERE! During the NCAA games today, he saw the game clock ticking in the corner of the screen and proceeded to call out the numbers (seconds) that were constantly changing. And he gets so excited when he sees the number 5. It's his favorite number. "Do you see dat number 5 Mommy?!" He also likes to read all of the letters across the bottom for the team names. And Emily gets into the game as well. She often comments on the "good shot!" And the other day, one of the teams did a lot of passing before shooting the ball and Emily turns to Jeff and says, "Daddy, they are playing catch!" Back to the numbers, when we were teaching the kids their numbers, we called 8, the ocho once. So now when Kyle sees 8, he calls it "the ocho"!

The kids know they are getting to be big boys and big girls. Today I changed their cribs into big boy and big girl beds. And verbally they are with the game too. We were talking about how they were going to see a friend's baby brother and I asked them if they were my babies and Kyle responded, "I'm not a baby. I'm a Kyle." So matter of fact!

Kyle has been complaining of his leg hurting him lately and not wanting to walk on it. Emily has been so sweet with Kyle. When he was just hurting and not wanting to walk and all upset, Emily says, "Kyle, here's your Miko. He will make your leg feel all better." She is just so sweet to him! And at dinner the other night, we were having pork. Kyle said, "Emily, good trying your chicken!" Emily said, "Thanks Kyle! I love you" and she leaned over in her booster chair to give Kyle a hug. So sweet!!! I know the following video isn't quite of their exchange about trying their food, but it is from the same night and they were trying their brussel sprouts together and just so sweet with one another.

And one that I had typed up but blogger wouldn't save because I must have logged out or something and then couldn't remember when I posted this one the first time, but remember now... The kids call hills "big weeees!" This must come from whenever we go down a hill in the car or at Stroller Strides, I tell the kids to put their hands in the air and say "weeeeeee!" And they do! They also do it for when we are going uphill. The other day at SS, Kyle and Emily got upset because we couldn't run up (i.e, me pushing them in the stroller - boohoo!) a "dat big weeeeee." And "weeees" also extend to smaller 'hills'. They like walking 'balance beams' outside which are curbs. And there are 2 particular curbs that go up by a tree near the schools that are raised on either end. So the kids talk about going up the "big weee" and then doing the balance beam and then walking down the "big weeee". Mind you, these particular "weeeees" are maybe a foot high, but they are "weeeeees" nonetheless. Cute how make sense of the world. Their preschool teachers are not going to know what to do with them calling hills "weeees" and eight "the ocho"...

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