Sunday, March 1, 2009


We had a bit of a tough dinner tonight. The kids eventually ate everything, except their broccoli, but it was tough to get to that point. It consisted of 2 cups of spilt milk, dropped salmon, couscous / grain blend on the floor, about 4 major meltdowns and several timeouts. Needless to say, bath was going to be quick and bedtime just as quick. But two year olds just don't have the capacity to stay upset / frustrated for very long. Thankfully! They were totally over it by the time we finished eating, but I was still frustrated with the mess and meltdown and tough sequence of events after such a great day. Fastforward to after bath, Kyle is totally ready for bed and Emily just needs her hair brushed. I was only able to do 1 brush - as in 1 row (for lack of a better term) of hair and she stands up with her hair tangled, standing on end except that one row and proclaims, "I'm already bellisima!" It was just too cute!

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